Scene from GTA5 overlooking the city to describe new incarnations

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The Best Description of Reincarnation

This is a surprisingly easy post for anyone who’s ever played video games! Reincarnation in video games give the best description of reincarnation linking you, your source, and why you would go through this again and again.


All the channeled teachings include some amount of reincarnation stuff. There’s even a lot of controversy about whether or not Jesus taught it.

We already have the strong suspicion that God is using us for his own gain, to grow all that is. The channeled greats also teach us that we’re always in complete control of our existence (at least at some level of our awareness). The explanation loses most people because life is tough. When we don’t know the rules, life can be very hard indeed. Things certainly don’t go according to plan most of the time.

Why would we do this to ourselves over and over and over again?

Everyone when they first learn about reincarnation

Indeed. A simple video game explains the relationship quite well giving us the best description of reincarnation you’ll find on the net.

Video Games

Imagine it’s summer break, you’re 8 years old, and you’re sitting on the living room couch playing Grand Theft Auto 5. You’re working your way through the missions mostly successfully. Focus is key to survival, and you see nothing but your video game character’s experience. The character itself follows your broad commands (e.g. go this direction then turn left) but fills in the details (e.g. how to walk, what speed, what to step over, etc). illustrating the best description of reincarnation

Suddenly, you make a wrong turn, and just then your video game character falls kicking and screaming to a horrible and painful death. Your physical self flinches, and your awareness reemerges in the living room. You yelp, “Fun! Let’s try that again!”

Fun! Let’s try that again!


The experience wasn’t painful or traumatizing to the more significant (real/physical) person on the couch. You’re not worried about running out of lives. To go back inside the fake verse would reset the game state somewhat. It’ll take a few moments to regain your bearing, and you’ll need a new virtual wardrobe.

This willingness to try again, to explore more, and to experience everything else the fake world has to offer parallels your inner being’s reason to rejoin this physical experience. The parallel is so strong, we call it the best description of reincarnation you’ll find.

Finally, the best description of reincarnation you’ll find

When you have that much free time, video games aren’t such a waste of time. You literally have nothing else to do. Passive television isn’t nearly as satisfying. When you’re personally involved, gaming is a way to explore some mock representation of the physical verse. Obviously, if we didn’t get so much out of it, then so many kids and adults wouldn’t spend so many hundreds of hours playing every year.

game cartridges showing the best description of reincarnation

Do we learn anything from it? Of course. The usefulness of what your 8-year-old learns can be questionable, of course, but a few things are hard to argue with. Pattern recognition. Fantastic problem-solving. Endless quick reactions. Dual hand-eye coordination.

To some extent, you learn preferences. You prefer this stolen car to that one. You learn what patterns work best in which contexts. You learn about many of the things that are allowed to vary in that virtual world. The richer the virtual world, the more you can experience and learn. We experience ourselves in novel situations, the physics of the virtual world, its environment, social culture, and economics. Newer bigger games are more fun and rewarding than older simpler games because of the increased richness of the virtual world.

Almost every video game has multiple lives reincarnation because once is never enough. There are always more things to do. More things to try. From your perspective, there’s more fun to be experienced. Reincarnation and video games are a match made on the couch in heaven giving us insight into how things work from a broader perspective. They give the best description of reincarnation you’ll find.

And to be entirely honest, what else is there to do with infinite free time?

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