Month: July 2023
The Who’s Who of Channeling
Channeling is temporarily setting aside your personality and tuning into some other source of information.
The Only Kind of Love
Love means many different things depending on the time, place, and context. Let’s discuss “…the only kind of love, as I understand it, that there really is.”
Two Incompatible Physical Models
The theories of Relativity and Quantum mechanics both describe the world very well in their own way. The problem is, these are incompatible physical models.
Your Very Own Personal Holodeck
The Matrix and Inception are wonderful analogies of how the physical (uni)verse might look from the outside. Star Trek’s personal Holodeck is the winner.
Survive Death in One Blog Post
Every great spiritual teacher has taught there’s no such thing as death. Let’s spend a few keystrokes further exploring how we can survive death.
Meditation, the What and Why
Lots of people mean lots of different things by the word meditation. Let’s nail down exactly what we mean and talk through the purpose of meditation.
Clueless Rules or Actual Rules
We spend our lives spinning our wheels as we follow whatever clueless rules we were indoctrinated into. Let’s learn the actual game and the actual rules.
Virtual Machines and Physical Reality
Virtual machines are a fantastic and useful modern analogy for physical reality, and the more useful analogies we have, the better.
The Forever Stream of Channels
From different places and substantially different times, these channels offer the same message. Here’s what’s on our bookshelf.
Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed
One of our favorite analogies comes from Jesus about our power to create. One only needs faith the size of a mustard seed.