Free soccer field with lines

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Clueless Rules or Actual Rules

We spend our lives spinning our wheels as we follow whatever clueless rules we were indoctrinated into. Let’s learn the actual game and the actual rules.

Apologies to most of the world, we use the word soccer instead of football to remove the ambiguity.

The game is clueless soccer

Imagine everyone on your planet spends their waking lives on any number of soccer fields. Everyone thinks they know the actual rules and objectives of the game because they’re taught from birth “how to play.” It’s possible, and even expected, to be promoted upward as you become a better player. On the flip side, you can just as easily be demoted for lack of trying or apparent skill.

Different teams on different fields in different stadiums across the globe produce the oddest mix of subcultures everywhere. Upon birth and field change, you quickly learn to think and play just like the rest of your team and field. Everyone quickly becomes steeped in any number of clueless rules.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Jim Rohn

Depending on your current field, you will see all kinds of normal and all kinds of reverence for various flavors of clueless rules.

Many levels of clueless rules

Toward the lower skill levels, winning at soccer means doing work for the sake of work. People spend their days moving piles of dirt back and forth. There are great tales told of people who worked hard their entire lives to get ahead. Their stadiums are lined with statues commemorating people who gave their lives pushing against the shiny scary thing of the time. Eons ago, the field’s soccer ball was buried in an unfortunate dirt relocation event. Occasionally, the diggers find the ball underground, but the field’s elders are afraid that’s where god wants it to stay. Nobody realizes they’re optimizing for some pretty clueless rules.

A few skill levels up, soccer means trying to track down a mythical black and white ball that’s rumored to cause some scary disease. Every time someone gets close enough to squash it with their head, it bounces away. Often this results in head trauma, but sometimes the header results in a promotion! Still, they try. It’s dangerous, but it’s the only way to get “ahead.” No clueless rules here.

Speaking of mythical soccer balls, several skill levels up there is a subculture where people take turns balancing on one leg on the soccer ball. Their historical records prove conclusively that balance is the only way to be promoted upward. Anyone willing to contradict this notion gets fact-checked and censored. Every couple of generations actually sees someone practice frequently enough to get that good. Never mind that practice is correlated with falling and sending the ball flying in random directions (occasionally into the goal, whatever that means). Since promotions happen fairly regularly, these folks believe (just as everyone else) that they have the firmest grasp of the actual rules.

Everyone seems to disagree on how to get ahead in life (all their different clueless rules), but they’re all living pretty much the same experience (random and infrequent success).

Help is always available

Every library in every stadium has lots of help. There are books on soccer teaching both actual rules and productive strategy. Truly though, when the rest of the field is this clueless, no strategy is needed. It would be like having a cheat code. You can literally walk the ball to the goal while your teammates and competition have no idea you’ve begun playing a different game. Knowing the actual rules is enough to make meaningful changes in anyone’s life. Knowing how to play effectively within the actual rules makes you magical.

Every library also has books on The Law of Attraction, just so you know.

“What? Am I supposed to just stick my head in the sand?”

Dad’s wife

Unfortunately, nobody in your field would be caught dead reading a book about soccer. They all say we learn this from birth. What could a book possibly teach us that we don’t already know? Real life is down here on the field; spending time in the stadium’s library is worse than burying our heads in the turf.

People don’t even know to ponder the relationship between the soccer ball and the soccer goal. Anyone reading this could just ask Google. Real life shows the connection every time someone is accidentally promoted up a field, but people watch the wrong aspects of the event. Was it the shape of the dirt pile? The height? Did she finally cure the disease? Was it the length or quality of the balancing act? Oh, obviously he has a relative on a better team helping him upward.

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Mark Twain

People become very invested in their clueless rules. The older they get, the more of their lives they’ve invested into them.

A different game

The clueless soccer society is intentionally silly, but it goes a long way toward describing most people’s haphazard lives when viewed from a broader perspective. We all work hard, but we get very meager results. We’re often told to “work smarter, not harder,” and that does make things easier. Using machinery to move dirt back and forth is certainly working smarter than doing it by hand. Both give the same result at the end of the day, granted with different efforts, but it’s nothing anybody would call useful. Vibrational alignment is what’s missing.

The two relevant points in everything discussed above are the location of the soccer ball and the goal. When they’re brought together, you accomplish the mission. Now, let’s bring the analogy back to physical life.

The ball

Because it’s mobile, let’s say the soccer ball is your vibration. Here at Hack the Verse, we use the word vibration as a single-word abstraction of your non-physical representation (in total or around a specific subject). While it’s possible and encouraged to alter your vibration for a few moments here and there, for the most part, your vibration hangs out where you usually keep it. It more or less defaults to your recent average, your habitual pattern of thought. You can and should alter it productively often enough to shift the average toward whatever you want. These are the actual rules of the game you actually want to play.

It’s difficult (if not impossible) to shift it too far away from the average too quickly because LOA keeps your vibration close to your existing average or your habitual vibration. Over time, however, the average will shift little by little. Your thought habits will improve. Imagine you’re allowed to exist within a radius of a central location, and that the longer you spend in any direction, the more the central location shifts updating the periphery of the allowed region.

The goal

Your inner being or psyche, through the contrast of your lived experience, always becomes what you really want. It makes conclusions about what’s most comfortable, enjoyable, joyful, healthy, etc, and becomes the essence of those things entirely (with a very pure vibration). As that happens, LOA begins responding in kind. In fact, it’s a very focused and non-diluted response producing a very powerful attraction.

As Abraham would say, LOA attracts all cooperative components to this updated version of your inner being, and you are strongly encouraged to join. Abraham calls this updated inner being your “core grid” and its attraction is your “vortex.”

The actual game, the actual rules

To bring the ball to the goal we shift our vibration back toward that of our inner being. There is a slight wrinkle though as the ball and goal are invisible to physical eyes.

It’s quite obvious that everyone wants more money in their lives. Do we want more money because we enjoy the freedom it brings, or do we want more money because we’re insecure about making the rent payment? Both English descriptions claim to want more money, but vibrationally they’re polar opposites.

The thoughts behind these English statements contain much more nuance than the statements themselves.

Anyone who has ever tried sending a sarcastic text message

Wanting more money for all the new and exciting possibilities is a thought backed by a vibration aligned with attracting wealth. Wanting more money due to fear of not making the rent payment is backed by a vibration that is aligned with a lack of money. So that’s great. How can we tell the difference?

A strategy to work effectively with the actual rules of the game

Every physical human has more than 5 senses. The 5 we all refer to as “the five senses” exclude many sensations like hunger and balance. Another excluded sense is an emotional response to every thought we think. Your emotional response tells you whether your thought is productive or counterproductive. It tells you where on the field your soccer ball is relative to the goal. The closer to the goal your vibration is, the better the thought feels.

  • If a thought is aligned with what your inner being is attracting, it feels good.
  • When a thought is misaligned with what your inner being is attracting, it feels bad.
  • Thoughts that are perpendicular to what your inner being is attracting don’t have much of a feeling response. Neither you nor your inner being has much of an opinion about it.

This new game is simple enough that every child knows how to play it… until we train it out of them. Just as bad habits take time to untrain, this paradigm probably also takes a little time to reacquaint yourself.

When we first looked inward to observe the emotional response to a given thought, we didn’t find it right away. In fact, we kept missing it because our assumption was that the thought would happen, and then a few moments later we’d feel the feeling. Our mistake was that the feeling was already present even while the internal dialog was saying the words, or subtler still, the feeling was already there even while we considered the idea without words. We’d go so far as to say the feeling was there on the leading edge of the thought. These thoughts come from deep within (pre-conscious even) before they’re expressed outward, so the emotional response has already been attached.

The clueless rules

It’s really unfortunate given everything above, but lots of subcultures across the planet treat their emotions in very different ways. Some people try to drown out the feelings with alcohol, etc. Others try to stop them at their perceived source with well-meaning prescription drugs. Lots of us slather over the feelings with some really unhealthy foods, and there’s even ritualized crying over ice cream. Thankfully, none of it’s working very well.

When you brush against a hot stove, you want to know – immediately. Better yet, you’d rather sense the heat before actually making contact. Muting the sensation is, unfortunately, what’s fashionable. The most you can hope for following the clueless rules is “average” which is pretty much what everyone else is getting.

Thankfully, now you know the actual rules of the game. Give it a try!

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