Picturing the Sun’s Magnetic Field

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The Law of Attraction

We figured we should have a post on the law of attraction (LOA) very early on since almost everything will refer to it in some way.

Where does the law of attraction operate?

Everywhere and nowhere. The law of attraction is simply a universal law that works just as well here as it does outside our physical existence.

Imagine a 60mph speed limit. It’s a law, sure, a human law. What about gravity? It’s literally a law of physics. If we pit them against each other, which wins? Imagine dropping a bowling ball off the side of a building. Within 3 seconds it’s already breaking the speed limit, and we see the physical law cares nothing of the human law.

The law of attraction supersedes all other laws and pervades all of existence.

What is the law of attraction?

That which is like unto itself is drawn


Similar things clump together in the mind of God. Done. Simple. Clumpiness. Let’s go home.

Mostly kidding. That’s what the law of attraction is in the abstract. How it affects you, and how to use it on purpose are much larger topics.

Vibrationally harmonious things come together.

Every word of that is a loaded term.

Vibration is a word often used in this context to mean a non-physical representation of whatever thing is under consideration.

Harmonious means aligned, similar, and complementary.

Thing is a word general enough to include physical objects, non-physical connections, physical people, non-physical beings, or really anything since the law of attraction is a law that applies to everything.

Come together is a pair of words chosen to be general enough to apply to both the physical and non-physical worlds. In space-time, notions of closeness are distance and time. In non-physical existence, awareness is only one example of closeness. Let’s list all the forms of closeness we can think of. Admittedly, we’re coming up a little short on non-physical examples, so please comment with your ideas!

  • time
  • vibration, entrainment
  • position, velocity, acceleration, force
  • angle, rotation, precession
  • temperature
  • charge, spin
  • color, feeling
  • awareness, transfer

Who does the law of attraction respond to?

Everyone and everything.

More relevantly, you. You and your inner being. It responds to both simultaneously. If both your vibrations are aligned, the law of attraction brings matching vibrations in short order. If there’s some contradiction between those two vibrations, then things are less simple.

How to use the law of attraction?

This is only a complicated topic because we make it overly complicated – too large to handle well in a “what is” article.

But on the off chance you’re willing to not make it overly complicated as so many of us do, the answer comes straight from our definition.

Be vibrationally harmonious with the things you want.

When we can manage that consistently over time, then the things we want begin to manifest in our experience. This often happens right on time without our even consciously realizing it’s happening (the basics of physical existence like your next breath, your next step, your next meal, etc). Inversely, the things we’re used to struggling with are much harder to attract since we have a habitual pattern of misaligned vibration holding them away.

Horseshoe magnet and keep illustrating the law of attraction

Worst sales job ever

There’s nothing we can write here to convince someone to believe in the law of attraction. Life experience has to teach you how things work, but maybe a post like this can help tie together your previous experiences. Know that the spiritual greats teach and have always taught the law of attraction.

The Secret is a nice documentary introducing a ton of people to the law of attraction. It’s a little incomplete, so visit everything missing from the secret for our review.

That which is like unto itself is drawn. As within, so without, as above, so below. Be the change you wish to see in the world. You reap what you sow. Birds of a feather flock together. Faith the size of a mustard seed. Scientists joke more and more that we live in a simulation, and in this case, the law of attraction would be called “associative memory.” Baby, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put you and I together.

Applying the Law of Attraction to our daily lives can take practice after you’ve spent so many years indoctrinated into the wrong game with clueless rules. That’s the difficulty, really. This entire site is dedicated to restoring what we’ve known all along. For much more information, we recommend Abraham’s main book on the topic. Alternatively, click Next below.

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