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The Who’s Who of Channeling

Channeling is temporarily setting aside your personality and tuning into some other source of information.

Every radio plays a different station

Imagine it’s the early 1920s, and only three families in your entire town have radios. Each radio is tuned permanently to different stations, and they never play the same thing. Practically nobody in your everyday life understands anything about radio signals.

Everyone’s having trouble understanding where the voices are coming from. You’re tempted to conclude there’s some kind of little person inside the radio except they never need food or water. The radio manual asserts that vacuum tubes are doing all the work. So does that mean the vacuum tubes are some kind of artificial intelligence? Who taught the vacuum tubes English and world events?

Over the years, more of your neighbors buy their own radios. You get one yourself, and by now they can be tuned to a few different radio stations. It becomes clear through experience that the radio is simply tuning into some kind of external signal, and that other radios can be tuned into the same station at the same time to recreate the same radio program.

Would things still be so obvious if every radio on the planet could only tune into its own distinct frequency?

The source of consciousness

Where does human consciousness come from? Well, nobody really pretends to know. Ok then, what is consciousness? Again, nobody knows how to define it effectively.

These are the two ends of the spectrum attempting to explain the source of consciousness.

  • Fully produced within and by the brain and body (i.e. neural networks and emergent properties)
  • Streamed into the brain and body from somewhere else (i.e. something like a radio broadcast)

We suspect the answer is a combination of both.

Our muscles and tissues continue to react to stimuli, at least for a little while, even when consciousness is… missing in action. When we brush a hand against a hot surface, the impulse to pull away happens too fast for the brain’s exclusive involvement hinting it’s distributed throughout the body somewhat. Meanwhile, muscle memory is also a thing. Do you always consciously decide which foot takes the first step? We make many millions of teeny tiny non-conscious reactions and decisions every day. We think there’s plenty indicating that some amount of action and reaction happens solely within the physical structures.

On the other hand, we think there’s also a lot suggesting there’s a fair amount of consciousness beamed into us from elsewhere. It’s easy to argue that animalistic and maintenance actions happen entirely within the body. It’s much harder to know for certain where personality characteristics, creativity, problem-solving, and even memory originate. Neural networks and emergent properties can’t possibly explain much of what we are.

So, what exactly is channeling?

Channeling is temporarily tuning your radio receiver to another station. Channeled sources are probably the only “authoritative” source on how to do this, so we’re leaning heavily on what the usual cast of characters have said about it.

They usually don’t go into detail about the mechanisms involved since they vary from person to person and continue to evolve over time and with practice. Seth did go into detail (as usual), but it wasn’t very useful, understandable, or at all actionable (as usual).

For Ramtha through J.Z. Knight, J.Z. is very much shoved to the side with Ramtha pulling a lot of levers himself. Ramtha calls this a “pure channel,” presumably reducing distortion by removing the middle woman.

For most other channels, blocks of thought flow to the channel for delivery in the channel’s language usually with the channel’s vocabulary. The channel usually delivers the information vocally but sometimes in written form too. Many artists, we’re sure, consider their work as channeled material, and for some at least, we agree entirely.

What can we channel?

Well, what can’t we channel really?

Every thought that has ever been thought continues to exist. We have access to those, but we wouldn’t use the word “channel” so much as the more general “reading energy” phrasing. If you hear of family members going to psychics who get warnings and complaints from “the other side,” this is what’s being picked up (source energy does not warn or complain).

Every non-physical consciousness that’s willing to interact with you in this way can also be channeled. There’s some work that has to happen behind the scenes to enable the pairing, but that would happen largely outside of time and space (i.e. immediately, if the allowing is there on your end). Nondistorted information from source energy looks substantially more like universal truths than warnings and complaints. The quality of the channel and the translatability of the subject matter will determine the level of distortion present.

You’re channeling yourself without even trying. Your radio is tuned into your inner being by default, but the signal is distorted (i.e. static) to varying degrees depending on where your vibration is. Your inner being is the radio station on the external side of the “what is the source of consciousness” debate above.

In a very real way, your emotional response to each thought is channeled information. It’s a measure of the distortion (i.e. amount of static or the signal-to-noise ratio) while tuning into your inner being’s radio station. Specifically, the emotional response is the measure of alignment between the two of you surrounding the thought. Your effort to channel is an attempt to have more specific communication with your inner being than just this emotion.

How can we begin channeling?

It’s genetic, and you simply don’t have the right stuff. Just kidding, that’s ridiculous.

All the channeled teachings worth anything say the same thing. It involves specific intent and about three weeks of daily meditation. Fifteen minutes a day, every day, and with a sufficiently clear mind… which is substantially harder than it sounds without practice.

More clearly, Abraham lays this out in one of their earliest books, chapter 3 of A New Beginning II, as follows.

And so, if you are accepting the existence of the inner world and of your Inner Being, and if you are now wanting fuller communication and more experiencing of the reservoir of knowledge and strength and claritiy that is there for you, here is the process:

It is important that you have a desire for the opening of this passageway in order to achieve it. It must be something that you want. Then all that is required is that you set some time aside to allow it.

Find 15 or 20 minutes in every day to sit with the intent of quieting your conscious mind. It is not necessary that you block the same time of day every day, but it is of great value to be consistent and not miss a day, for the process is a progressive thing.

Quieting of your mind means sitting for a few minutes each day and allowing your mind to rest, still and quiet, not thinking of anything.

You’re a channeling machine

The law of attraction assembles all cooperative components. Any time you maintain a sustained and clear focus on any topic, you attract to yourself more of the same.

Learn to get good at studying a problem without getting bogged down in the lack of a solution. You’ll attract and literally channel the solution. You’ll find yourself saying “It just came to me!” whether or not you realize how literally true it is.

Writing is similar. With every post so far on Hack the Verse, we’ve been pleasantly surprised with the finished results. The ideas simply flowed to produce broader and more fleshed-out treatments of each concept than we realized was even possible.

Finally, in true LOA fashion, today’s Abraham-Hicks daily quote email had this perfectly placed gem. We saw it literally seconds after clicking “Publish” on this post!

There is nothing that you’re wanting to know that you do not have the capacity to understand fully. And there is nothing that you’re wanting to know that the Universe does not already know that you want to know, and has already begun the process of answering. And so, go forth in excited anticipation that the new ideas will continue to bubble forth, and that the Universal Forces will continue to come forth in loving, benevolent, eternal answering to that which you are about.

Excerpted from Albany, NY on 10/1/01
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