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Discover the Antichrist

Our Christian readers just got uncomfortable, but we promise you’ll be okay. To discover the antichrist, we first have to discuss the christ. Let’s get started.

Christs and Christians

Christs and Christians have surprisingly little to do with each other. To see that, realize that every other religion is also centered on a christ. Christians are centered around Jesus the christ. Buddhists follow the example of Buddha the christ. Every religion where the central character performed tons of miracles is another example.

Despite how Christians use the word, christ is not a last name. Jesus of Nazareth became a christ. It took a lot of effort on his part, and his success was never guaranteed. As history shows, he did eventually know himself on a grander scale.

Even now, our spell checker is wigging out over our use of the word christ.

God as man

Christ means god as man. History’s great religions show many examples of christs, but many more didn’t leave behind confused followers eager to start churches. All the followers who truly understood the teachers’ messages went on to live wonderful miracle-packed lives. The remainder started religions.

Practically anyone can become a christ, but rarely anyone does. It involves playing a different game, channeling your inner being, letting the answers flow, listening to your emotions, finding yourself, and lots of time meditating.

statue of jesus

Becoming a christ

Recall that an earlier post, Know Thyself, claimed that we are all already gods in human bodies. Does that mean we are all christs as well? Technically yes, but that would make the word meaningless. Let’s reserve the word for everyone who actually knows themself as god. Christs know themselves as god and live as if. They know all there is to know in any moment. Christs manifest anything they need when convenient. These rare people understand more deeply what’s going on with the who, what, and when of their lives. They can immediately disappear and reappear at any desired location. Christs actually live as gods in human clothing.

Babies on day one have already spent nine months conditioned to the mothers’ thought patterns. They’ve already had guardrails installed. For nine months, a mother’s neurotransmitters will circulate in both bodies, and the cells of both bodies are literally on a similar wavelength. Then the real training starts.

Finding a christ

Children born to christs, on the other hand, have had none of the above counter-conditioning. Instead, they’ve had nine months of exposure to life as a christ. This does happen, but why do we never meet them? Well, maybe we do. The answer can be in front of your face, but if you’re not a vibrational match to it, you won’t recognize it.

Imagine you passed a christ on the street. Would she be rushing along to work? Probably not. A christ on the street could actually be homeless, at least within that geographic area. Christs can literally teleport anywhere they want when they get tired, cold, bored, hot, hungry, or even thirsty. They don’t need to carry money. No need to dress for success or show off. Depending on their agenda for the day, they probably dress to blend in. On the other hand, their dress may or may not match the weather since they largely control how the climate feels in their very local environment. Besides, they can always manifest a jacket if needed.

Living as a christ

They tour for the sake of experience. Christs live exactly as god lives, to grow all there is to know. They express the purpose of this entire physical existence in their daily routine.

homeless man sitting near brick building.  Did he discover his antichrist?

We suspect you’ll never look at a seemingly happy somewhat out-of-place person sitting on a park bench again. They’re people watchers, you know. Christs love to watch your amazing life from the point of view of your inner being because you’re too busy to do it yourself.

Enter the antichrist

We mentioned elsewhere that the only way god can know himself as not-a-god is to forget. Actually becoming not-a-god isn’t possible. Forgetting himself as a god is the next best thing. Everything is a god, but a teeny tiny percentage of all-that-is doesn’t yet realize it.

Anti- is a prefix that means opposite of. Well, there is no actual opposite of god, but the next closest thing is something that forgets itself as god. The antichrist is simply the mechanism that enables (prevents) an entity to forget (from knowing) itself as god.

What would such a mechanism look like? Look around, you’re seeing it. This physical reality is so convincing that for countless generations we’ve convinced ourselves it’s the real thing. This is why the movie The Matrix is so fascinating.

“Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.”


We don’t mean to imply the physical world is a prison since we all chose to come here. In fact, we’ve taken the trip many times. That’s an aspect of The Matrix that’s fun fiction but breaks the analogy. Physical existence is a valuable means of expression for source energy. The only issue, and this is the reason so many channels keep trying to wake us up, is that we’ve taken it too far. We’ve forgotten who we really are so much so that it kind of feels a bit like a prison for anyone trying to wake up.

You are the antichrist

Calm down, it’s not an insult. The personality that doesn’t know thyself as a christ is the antichrist. Without the ignorance built into each of us and our patterns of thought, we are christs.

The antichrist is the self-reinforcing thumb in your fountain.

You are the christ and the antichrist. We are the alchemist and the base metal. Life is obviously a choose-your-own-adventure story, but we have guardrails everywhere keeping on this storyline. It’s like we’re lost in a valley driving in circles without a GPS. Only our inner beings have the proper perspective to guide us out of our rut. Have you read enough to know how to get that guidance?

But things are looking up. You’ve read this far, and you’re still here. Deep down inside, indeed the vast majority of your entirety, you know there’s something here. It’s a journey worth taking. If you haven’t yet, now is a good time to read The Fable of the Pearl.

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