red rose and green leafed

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A Rose by Any Other Name

Just a bit of housekeeping.

Site rename

This site started as “Theoheretical, a mathematician’s thoughts on god.” Theo means god, while heretical means non-standard thoughts about god. We thought merging the words was a clever play on our background as a theoretical mathematician, but really we just wanted to insert the word he into theoretical before mansplaining the universe.

The name was cute, but not very catchy.

That theme lasted for exactly one post before our discussions quickly evolved into conscious utilization of the law of attraction and other facets of how broader perspective says our universe works. So we opted for a catchier and more representative name.

The old name will be forwarded to the right place until the domain registration expires in June 2024.

Computer hacking

Computer hacking is essentially figuring out how to provide input to a computer program in an unanticipated way to make the program do something unexpected (to the author). It’s a fascinating field of study, but it reflects well what we’re discussing here.

Software engineers have to write computer code that handles input. Whether the input is text (from the keyboard), mouse clicks, sound waves, or network packets, the input must be parsed and interpreted. Security engineers (better called insecurity engineers) analyze these programs to find limitations in the input handling. Such limitations are called bugs or vulnerabilities. Someone can craft a very specific input to trick the parsing code into doing something other than what the original author intended. In the extreme case, the mal-crafted input can cause the computer program to do literally anything desired. This becomes a very large problem (for the original author) when the buggy program is executing from a privileged context.

Everything we personally know about this subject comes from Over The Wire. Check it out! Anyone with knowledge of C and Intel assembly can do the earlier challenges.

The connection

Computer hacking is very interesting to us. First, we need to know software engineering very well, but then we also need to know the overlay field of vulnerability research to exploit the work of average and below average software engineers.

One of the reasons we spend so many words talking about modern physics is that we need to know how the universe works by default. Only then can we better appreciate the larger laws that govern the physical universe and everything beyond the physical universe. With a greater understanding of the larger rules, we can preempt the default behavior.

“Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.”

Dalai Lama XIV

We think the Dalai Lama must be a hacker at heart. Our intent is to better understand how the universe works in order to Hack the Verse.

The pause

We’ve been procrastinating on new articles for the last couple of months. Apologies for that.

It hasn’t helped that the weather’s been so nice.

We promised a couple of posts ago that we would spend more time writing about wealth and attracting wealth into our lives. Toward that goal, we told ourselves the next post would be on that exact topic.

Well, our procrastination has been instructive that our own vibration isn’t quite where it needs to be to write very well about the subject. Procrastination is on the Abraham-Hicks emotional scale well below inspiration. We’ll work on it, but in the meantime, we won’t require ourselves to only write about it next.

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