cyclone fence in shallow photography motivating expensive mental blocks.

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Appallingly Expensive Mental Blocks

Your inner being can deliver any amount of wealth, but you’re still holding it away. Most of us have some pretty expensive mental blocks in place.

Show me the money!

A recent post discussed how our inner beings can manifest any amount of wealth that we allow into our experience. Well, you rightly ask, where is it already?

“Sometimes after waiting for a long time for something you wanted to happen, you tell yourself that you just need to be more patient. But you do not need patience when you understand the laws of the universe, because deliberately understanding of these laws, and the response to these laws, will bring you speedy results.”

Abraham at Sacramento, CA on 3/1/14

Without exception, every manifestation arrives in its perfect time and place. That doesn’t mean you have to wait very long at all, but it does mean that every manifestation comes from the easiest and soonest situation that your acceptance level allows. Without the bare minimum level of acceptance, all you have is resistance. Practically every human alive today has some amount of resistance on a variety of topics. Very often, we can point to their resistant thoughts and attitudes surrounding money and call them expensive mental blocks.

When our acceptance grows just beyond our shrinking resistance then the manifestation flows, as Abraham says, “through the crack of least resistance.”

So let’s chat about a few examples of chronic resistant thought surrounding money and wealth. We aim to identify a few of the larger themes in a way most of us can sympathize with and soothe them into a better-feeling place. Above all, our goal today is to convert some expensive mental blocks into very lucrative attitudes.

person filing tax documents. Taxes providing many expensive mental blocks.

Taxes and expensive mental blocks

The darn government will keep most of my money, and worse, they’ll spend it on things that make my life harder.

Whether or not that statement is factually correct as written, it does us no good. This form of resistance holds away many (if not all) sources of wealth since they’re all subject to income tax. Unless you want to be a criminal, this applies to streams of income from any mode, place, or time. Indeed, this is a particularly expensive mental block.

The spending part

As Abraham says, vibrationally earmark the government spending for something you do personally want and appreciate, something like the following.

  • Smooth clear roads,
  • Upholding contracts and agreements,
  • Clean flowing water,
  • Protecting the innocent and vulnerable,
  • Reliable environment-friendly electricity, etc

The tax revenue they pull from your manifestations can all be vibrationally directed toward what you really want your government to provide. You can personally pay for everything right in the world.

The confiscation part

Finally, the confiscation part. It turns out that this piece is easier to soothe! Just ask for twice as much. Really! Mathematically speaking if the highest marginal tax rate for all your levels of government combined is, say 55%, then ask for X / (1 – 0.55) instead of X.

How can we be so flippant about such a big ask? Because it isn’t real; it’s video game money. Your inner being knows only unbounded wealth. Whether you ask for a castle or a button, the process is the same.

“When you understand the Laws, then you understand that it is not more difficult to create a castle than it is a button. They are equal. It is not more difficult to create $10 million than $100,000. It is the same application of the same Law to two different intentions.”

The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham

Jackpots and expensive mental blocks

I’ll never win the lottery. Statistically speaking, it’s more likely I’ll be struck dead by lightning on the way to buy my ticket. The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math.

Somebody has to win the darn thing. Haven’t you read or heard about a few of them?

Knowing what you know about the law of attraction, doesn’t it make sense that each winner is someone who’s (at least temporarily) a vibrational match to a large sum of money? Incidentally, wouldn’t the same law apply to lightning strikes?

close up photo of lottery ticket on removing expensive mental blocks

Surprisingly, we’re dealing with a very low bar here. Think about all the weeks that nobody wins the jackpot. What percentage of the time does the law of attraction deem nobody is a match? Most players have deeply expensive mental blocks, certainly more so than anyone reading a law of attraction website.

Did you know that lottery winners are substantially more likely to commit suicide? Many winners don’t have a very consistent or productive vibration surrounding money and wealth, so it’s just a matter of time before they squander their winnings. Some even end up in overwhelming debt having used their winnings as down payments on larger commitments. After that, the regret is so steep that many turn to suicide. The bar is really very low.

Amp up the current

Think of yourself as an electrically charged lightning rod attracting jackpot strikes, and you’ll have a truly substantial advantage over most lottery players. You know the actual rules of this game.

Finally, we acknowledge that one ticket is required to win but several tickets might be counterproductive. When we buy N tickets instead of 1, then it’s like saying to the universe that we believe the first N-1 tickets won’t be enough to do the job. While it’s statistically factual that more tickets increase our statistical odds of winning, we aren’t playing that exact game. The larger truth is that our increased odds come from using the laws of the universe productively.

Timing and expensive mental blocks

Now would be a horrible time to come into money with the market where it is. Imagine investing my windfall today only to lose half of it tomorrow!

When you realize you can keep asking and asking for more, there’s never a bad time.

If the stock market crashes tomorrow, then you’ll have a better entry point for a subsequent round of funding from your very own personal angel investor. Another silver lining is that you’ll get higher dividend yields the second time around. It’s a win-win!

When inflation taxes the purchasing power of your nest egg, simply ask for more purchasing power. We want to focus on the core of what we want and why we want it. The more we can exclude sourcing details, the more freedom the universe has in satisfying our desires. What we’re really after is purchasing power, so focus on that. Financial security is often the end goal, so find the feeling place of financial security. Imagine and enjoy the thought of being so good at allowing flowing wealth that your security comes from simply knowing the next delivery is right on time.

Resistance is futile

Allowing is everything!

These are some of our most expensive mental blocks, so we suspect they’re some of yours too. We’ve enjoyed putting these into better-feeling places for all to follow along.

This was a fun start, and we plan to post more examples as they come to mind. Comment below with your examples or ideas for future posts!

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