About the Author

For those who want to know a little about the author before investing very much time, read on.

Education and interests

I’m a Ph.D. mathematician with concentrations in applied probability and symbolic computation. I dual majored through the M.S. level in computer science with an emphasis on algorithms, data structures, and artificial intelligence. I love all the harder sciences but especially computer science. Logic and the scientific method can move very quickly with computer code carrying out the procedures. My math dual major was originally meant to assist the computer science, but when I arrived at grad school, I was pretty well over-prepared. The math department was right next door and offered many more playgrounds in closely related fields. My ongoing interests include the following.

  • Physical sciences – always
  • Economics – it’s an exciting time right now for sure
  • Personal finance – you cannot get 5 degrees without initially being horrible at money
  • Exercise – especially running
  • Health – especially eating for nutrition and prevention
  • Violin – adult learner since late 2022 but no prior musical training
  • Spirituality – long-time passion starting especially around 2005

My journey

Born and raised a Catholic, my parents sent me to a parochial school for K-8. The moment I was allowed, I called myself an atheist. Later, I tended to use the words pantheist and eventually Gnostic (but without all the dogma). I soaked up everything I could get as I found various channeled sources. The more I understood what the channels were saying, the more they appeared to have the consistency of mathematics. In true INTJ style, I couldn’t help but form a mental model that frames together all the channeled teachings I’ve encountered.

I’m thrilled to report, they’re all saying the same thing!

  • Different words,
  • Different analogies,
  • Focusing more and less on different topics,
  • Responding to different questions from…
  • Different audiences, but presenting
  • The same message!!!

A happy destination

Unifying the various teaching methods catapulted my understanding more than anything else. When we hear something from a single source, we might understand it, or we might not. Even if someone’s listening to you explain, they have no idea if you truly understand the regurgitated words. Comparing, contrasting, and unifying the teachers’ explanations makes misunderstandings apparent. Attempting to rectify the teachings either shows where they differ or produces a much deeper understanding.

To come full circle, I now believe that Jesus was teaching the same message as the other channels! Unfortunately, the talking heads surrounding him missed what he was saying entirely. Those talking heads went on to establish the church and create much of the culture we think nothing of.

This website is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I’m pleased to have you along for the ride.

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