About the Site

Does the internet need another “spiritual but not religious” blog?

… of which we assume there are many. Why this site? Why now? What’s it about?

Intended audience

Simply, anyone looking for answers is quite welcome to explore with us!

We’re all bumping around looking for answers. Many of us are still reeling from whatever belief group we were raised into. It only takes so many vacuous answers, empty promises, and immortal fear tactics to leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth.

Still, we all have time to think, and we occasionally wonder what it’s all about. Maslow’s pyramid explains why some of us return to the topic more than others. Everyone wondering about the tippy top of that pyramid is asking many of the same questions we try to cope with at Hack the Verse.

About the name

Hack the Verse is short for Hack the Universe. Firefly was the first reference we know of that used “verse” as an abbreviation for the universe. Compared to what most people think about how the world works, knowing how things really work allows us to hack the universe. We’re looking for cheat codes.

About the approach

A few concepts can be built up using mostly logic and reason. Others are more top-down starting with existing, often scientific but usually channeled, ideas but with some new color. The occasional science fiction reference is a fun and useful way to fill understanding gaps (e.g. The Matrix). Many topics are a rewording or unification of what various channels have already taught. In fact, we lean heavily on the various channeled works we’ve found since they’re the only ones speaking from a position of certainty.

About tags

The site’s tags are meant to index the posts by which channeled source(s), if any, spoke on the topic most prevalently. Or in the absence of that, whichever source provided the insights that allowed us to expand from there (whoever got us the closest). In short, the tags on any article are the channels that come to our mind first.

About organization

We’ll endeavor to keep concepts self-contained in bite-sized articles but at the risk of leaving ideas disconnected. Hyperlinks can take up the slack somewhat for linking concepts, but it will be worth having a few articles that tie larger concepts together into a broader framework.

Ever Growing

It’s our hope this site will continue to grow in breadth and depth of understanding just as you grow in yours. Comments and requests are always welcome and will help us grow in the most useful directions.

Congratulations on continuing your search, and we hope to be of assistance!

If you haven’t yet, begin here.

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