The Purpose of Emotions
From poets to philosophers, everyone has different ideas about their emotions. Let’s discuss our broader perspective on the purpose of emotions.
The Matrix’s Temet Nosce Sign
The temet nosce sign in The Matrix is Latin for know thyself, know what you really are. Let’s discuss what that means both in The Matrix and beyond.
Cause, Mechanisms, and Effect
We live in a world of cause and effect, so where does the law of attraction fit? Spoiler, it comes first. Let’s examine cause, mechanisms, and effect.
A Refreshing Meditation
Knowing who we are and how we’re here is great, but let’s capitalize on that knowledge. Focusing on a fountain is a powerful and refreshing meditation.
Watch for Premanifestations
The law of attraction delivers premanifestations prior to actual manifestation. Each premanifestation can be used as a signpost to gauge our progress.
The Mechanism of Free Will
A recent post “One Moment in Time” describes the nature of time in a way that makes free will appear impossible. Let’s explore the mechanism of free will.
Everything Missing from The Secret
The Secret is a 2006 movie that’s a nice (conscious) introduction to the law of attraction, but it’s incomplete. What’s missing from the secret? Let’s review.
Placebos and Permission Slips
The placebo effect is very powerful indeed. To explain the effect in terms available to Hack the Verse, let’s tie together placebos and permission slips.
Facts, Truth, and Beyond
It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. While factually accurate, that statement isn’t any kind of truth. Let’s dig into facts, truth, and beyond.
One Moment in Time
Time doesn’t actually exist. The phenomenon we experience and call time is a sequence of moments, each called now.