Tag: Inner being

  • Appallingly Expensive Mental Blocks

    Appallingly Expensive Mental Blocks

    Your inner being can deliver any amount of wealth, but you’re still holding it away. Most of us have some pretty expensive mental blocks in place.

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  • Ask Yourself What Is Being Counted

    Ask Yourself What Is Being Counted

    We enjoy knowing how things work, but that begins with analyzing evidence. Get into the habit of wondering what is being counted.

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  • How to be Less Wrong More Often

    How to be Less Wrong More Often

    Special holiday edition! Today, we explore a balance of forces and how to be less wrong more often than your friends, family, government, and media.

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  • Gold Medal Genes

    Gold Medal Genes

    Our culture attributes many of our shortcomings to genetics. We think this confuses mechanism for cause, and that we all have gold medal genes.

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  • Discover the Antichrist

    Discover the Antichrist

    Our Christian readers just got uncomfortable, but we promise you’ll be okay. To discover the antichrist, we first have to discuss the christ. Let’s get started.

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  • The Purpose of Emotions

    The Purpose of Emotions

    From poets to philosophers, everyone has different ideas about their emotions. Let’s discuss our broader perspective on the purpose of emotions.

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  • Facts, Truth, and Beyond

    Facts, Truth, and Beyond

    It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. While factually accurate, that statement isn’t any kind of truth. Let’s dig into facts, truth, and beyond.

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  • The Stages of Moral Development

    The Stages of Moral Development

    Lawrence Kohlberg’s six stages of moral development. This isn’t our usual kind of thing, but there’s a surprise at the end.

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  • Know Thyself

    Know Thyself

    The Oracle motioned to the Temet Nosce sign behind him saying, “It’s Latin. Means Know Thyself.”

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  • The Who’s Who of Channeling

    The Who’s Who of Channeling

    Channeling is temporarily setting aside your personality and tuning into some other source of information.

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