Tag: Ramtha
Two Subjects in One
Every subject is really two subjects in one. Abraham says this frequently. We’ve hinted at this a couple of times already so let’s explore it further here.
Know Thyself
The Oracle motioned to the Temet Nosce sign behind him saying, “It’s Latin. Means Know Thyself.”
The Who’s Who of Channeling
Channeling is temporarily setting aside your personality and tuning into some other source of information.
Two Incompatible Physical Models
The theories of Relativity and Quantum mechanics both describe the world very well in their own way. The problem is, these are incompatible physical models.
Your Very Own Personal Holodeck
The Matrix and Inception are wonderful analogies of how the physical (uni)verse might look from the outside. Star Trek’s personal Holodeck is the winner.
Meditation, the What and Why
Lots of people mean lots of different things by the word meditation. Let’s nail down exactly what we mean and talk through the purpose of meditation.
The Forever Stream of Channels
From different places and substantially different times, these channels offer the same message. Here’s what’s on our bookshelf.
The Best Description of Reincarnation
Reincarnation in video games give the best description of reincarnation linking you, your source, and why you would go through this again and again.
God Doesn’t Know Everything, Yet
There’s a major problem with our notion of omniscience. It is very limiting.