Tag: Seth
New Incarnations and Their Maintenance
When exactly do new incarnations begin? When does an inner being, or soul, attach itself to a new human? Then what? What about animals?
Premonitions and Manifestations
We have two complementary law of attraction stories to share. Together, they help us distinguish between premonitions and manifestations.
Divine Ingredients and The Mind of God
God created everything, but with what? No, not cheese. All the divine ingredients ever used exist solely in the mind of god.
Gold Medal Genes
Our culture attributes many of our shortcomings to genetics. We think this confuses mechanism for cause, and that we all have gold medal genes.
Cause, Mechanisms, and Effect
We live in a world of cause and effect, so where does the law of attraction fit? Spoiler, it comes first. Let’s examine cause, mechanisms, and effect.
The Mechanism of Free Will
A recent post “One Moment in Time” describes the nature of time in a way that makes free will appear impossible. Let’s explore the mechanism of free will.
Your Very Own Personal Holodeck
The Matrix and Inception are wonderful analogies of how the physical (uni)verse might look from the outside. Star Trek’s personal Holodeck is the winner.
Survive Death in One Blog Post
Every great spiritual teacher has taught there’s no such thing as death. Let’s spend a few keystrokes further exploring how we can survive death.
The Forever Stream of Channels
From different places and substantially different times, these channels offer the same message. Here’s what’s on our bookshelf.
Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed
One of our favorite analogies comes from Jesus about our power to create. One only needs faith the size of a mustard seed.